Our flight from Farnham Park on Saturday morning had two stowaways, Zachary and Gerald. They were hidden in a large shopping bag by Ms Canning, a teacher who was taking them on the flight for the children in two of the classes at her school in Hawley. Fortunately security on our flights is tight and they were exposed prior to take off and the pilot adjusted his take off weight accordingly. The two chaps took in some great sights on the way including a low pass over the ruins of Waverley Abbey where they took some pictures to help the children with their school work we understand. Thanks also to the passengers who sent us in their aerial pictures of Waverley Abbey as our pilot was too busy flying to take any.
For more about Waverley Abbey try the following links
Surrey video of us flying over the ruins
A nice aerial picture with mist
A film shoot in progress using the ruins as a backdrop
And for the Hawley children's "Castles" course work, here is a link to Farnham Castle