Despite the lockdown interest in ballooning continues. This Monday, Kat Orman’s Guesswork program on BBC Radio Oxford used the role of hot air balloon pilot as the "Guess what my work is" question of the day.

Kat and her listeners had two clues to help them guess the occupation of our chief pilot Kim Hull.

  • I get to see parts of the county hidden from normal view
  • Without heat I could not do my job

After a discussion about cutting toothpaste tubes open to get the very last out of them as a money saving tip during lockdown from an earlier part of the program, Kat quickly guessed the job was aerial. After an initial stab at 'glider pilot', with a few more answers from Kim to her detective work, Kat quickly landed on hot air balloon pilot. Kat professed to a dislike of heights but when Kim explained he didn’t like going up ladders she decided to put ballooning on her watch list for the future. The historic views from a balloon over Oxford, balloon flights as Christmas presents for a hopeful return to flying in 2021 and how much green countryside there is to see from the air were just some of the topics as the conversation flew by...

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